February 7, 2025

Faith Macfarland

Automotive Advancements

Range’s New Electric Vehicles Have Surprisingly Long Range


Electric vehicles (EVs) are the future of transportation. They’re better for the environment, cheaper to operate and maintain, and fun to drive. But one major issue has held back EVs from going mainstream — range anxiety. While EVs can go farther than you think on a single charge, most people still worry about running out of juice before they get home or reach their destination. That may soon change though, thanks to some new technology developed by Tesla and Chevy.

EVs often aren’t as long-range as buyers expect.

Range anxiety is a common problem for EV owners. It’s caused by the fact that EVs usually aren’t as long-range as buyers expect, and it can be exacerbated by the fact that charging infrastructure isn’t as widespread or fast as gas stations.

Range anxiety occurs when you’re driving your electric vehicle down the road and suddenly realize that you won’t make it home before running out of charge. You may be tempted to stop at a charging station along the way, but they aren’t always easy to find–and if they’re not free or near enough to your destination so that you don’t have time for them anyways? Well then what do you do?

Tesla and Chevy are finding a way to get more range than expected.

Tesla’s Model 3 has a range of 220 miles, but the Chevy Bolt EV has an impressive 238-mile range.

While both cars have similar prices–$37,500 for the Tesla and $37,495 for the Chevy–the battery size is different: Tesla uses a 75kWh battery pack, while Chevy packs in 60kWh worth of cells. The Bolt also features improved aerodynamics and lighter weight materials than its competitors.

These factors help explain why these vehicles can travel farther on one charge than other EVs on sale today (though they still fall short of gas-powered vehicles). But there are other reasons too: Tesla owners can use its Supercharger network to recharge their batteries quickly–and now there are plans underway to build even more charging stations across North America by 2020

The industry is on the verge of making EVs that can go farther than people expect.

Tesla is working on a new battery and Chevy is working on one as well, but this isn’t the only way to improve range. The industry is on the verge of making EVs that can go farther than people expect, thanks to a few key technologies that are currently in development.

First off: charging stations! There are already fast-charging stations popping up all over the place, which allow you to charge your car much faster than at home (and sometimes even for free). But these stations aren’t everywhere yet–you need them spaced out so that they’re convenient enough for drivers to use them regularly without getting stuck with low battery life when they’re far from home or work. As more people buy electric vehicles and start using public transit systems like buses or trains instead of driving themselves everywhere all day long like some kind of crazy person who doesn’t care about their own health/emissions footprint/saving money/etc., we’ll need more charging stations than ever before so everyone can get where they need without worrying about whether there will be enough juice left over after doing errands around town during lunch break before heading back out again later in evening rush hour traffic time frame…

Range anxiety may soon be a thing of the past

Range anxiety may soon be a thing of the past.

The range of electric vehicles is often a concern for people considering buying an EV, as they don’t have as much range as gas-guzzling cars. But Tesla and Chevy are finding ways to get more out of their batteries than expected, which means that your next car might be able to take you farther than you think!


The good news is that the industry is on the verge of making EVs that can go farther than people expect. We’re seeing this with Tesla and Chevy, who are both pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. And if they can do it, then other automakers will be sure to follow suit. So if you’re looking for an EV with long range? Keep your eyes peeled–there may be one right around the corner!